Bonjour a tout le mond! Pardonne moi mon francais (appris à l'école il ya longtemps).
So, sorry, is better for me going in English
Arf says - somewhere - that maybe G banned some IP and then it's the reason you cannot grasp the pagerank for your directory.
The odd is, using another script for testing purposes shows me the results.
So, in this case it's not that my IP is blacklisted by G but Arf's script doesn't work.
I went into it and I got my Arfooo (so much compliments and thanks for it!) pagerank working, without using "option nr 2" and therefore I am independent and don't leech other sites.
Please, if you wish to update your GooglePageRanker.php for the next directory release, you should look into the "outdated" algorithm. That's all.
Hope it's of some help.
Thank you